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Aqualis ASA : Results of the share purchase scheme for staff

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice 20 April 2015, introducing the Aqualis ASA share purchase scheme for staff. On June 25th 2015 the registration period for employees of the Company ended. Following the close of registration the Company has received orders for 320 487 new shares. 

The Board of Directors, pursuant to authorisation granted by the Company’s Annual General Meeting, will resolve to increase the Company’s share capital by NOK 32 048.7  by issuing 320 487 new shares, of par value NOK 0.1. Following subscription, payment for the shares and registration of the share capital increase the Company’s share capital will be NOK 4 351 102.7 divided into 43 511 027 shares.

The shares have been ordered by the employees at a price of NOK 7,5135 based on a volume weighted average price for the last five market days immediately preceding the opening of the window on 8 June 2015, with a 20% discount.