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Casualty Response

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Wang Xiaoqiang

Marine Consultant


Marine Engineer




Twelve years’ sea-going career on general cargo vessels, bulk carriers and ro-ro vessels, latterly as Chief Engineer and has substantial experience of marine engine management.

A marine consultant with ABL Group since May 2008, Xiaoqiang is an accredited OVID inspector and e-CMID inspector at present. He has extensive offshore warranty survey experience, particularly with loadout, sea-fastening, transportation and installation of jackets, topside modules, approving and witnessing the pipe/cable laying operation. Also, he has witnessed and approved the towing and positioning of Self-elevating Accommodation Units, integration of modules onto FPSO under construction/conversion, sailaway and offshore connection of FPSO.

He has acted on behalf of P&I Clubs, Owners and Insurance interests in shipping and offshore activities, including damage, condition/suitability surveys and pre-purchase inspections.