
+44 (0)20 7264 3250

Casualty Response

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Fabio Borda

Naval Architect and Marine and Ocean Engineer


Marine Engineer, Naval Architect, Ocean Engineer


Expert Witness & Litigation Support, P&I, Hull & Machinery Investigations, Marine Casualty Investigations, VDR Recording Analysis, Marine Surveys, Inspections and Audits, Technical Diligence, Marine Operations




Fábio Borda is a naval architect and marine and ocean engineer. Fábio has experience on P&I and Hull and Machinery investigations, claims dispute and litigation work and in undertaking audits and surveys.

Fábio has worked alongside London and Brazilian lawyers and ABL specialists in the preparation of numerous expert witness reports including seaworthiness issues and unsafe port claims.

Fábio also undertakes mooring and stability analyses in support of casualty investigations. He assisted in the analysis of VDR recordings in investigations into allisions and collisions and has attended on site representing P&I and H&M interest on wreck removals.

He has assisted on the analysis and approval of trip in tow for unrestricted ocean towage of cargo barges and FPSOs and on the preparation of anchoring, mooring and berthing plans.

Fábio has also assisted on availability study of Terminals, considering environmental aspects, and operational restrictions on ship-to-ship operations and on gap analysis of Terminals considering operational and regulatory aspects.