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Sunjung Kim

Country Manager, OWC Korea


Turbine Engineer


South Korea


Over 12 years of experience in energy and power-related business, including technologies development as well as marketing & business development. Sunjung started her industrial career in onshore and offshore WTG development at Samsung. She worked as Lead Project Engineering Manager in the development of 7MW offshore WTG and 8MW upgrade and was involved in prototype installation and testing. She has given technical support to sales and successfully transferred the turbine – renamed Levenmouth 7MW to ORE Catapult with relevant infrastructures. She has worked as a lead coordinator for multinational and multidisciplinary engineering cooperation.

Sunjung has worked as the head of the department for most of her experience. She also has experience in marketing and sales, as well as designing and developing large-size WTIVs and detachable WTIV concepts. In R&D activities, she participated in the R&D of onboard CCS, Liquified CO2 carrier, and Liquified Hydrogen carrier. She joined OWC in 2021 as Deputy Country Manager and WTG package manager and has been Country Manager in Korea since October 2022. She is a PhD in Mechanical and Structural Engineering (US).